Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections


This application is being updated all the time, to fix issues and include support for more apps and pages. Some current limitations include:


Question: Why don't I see visual updates after I enable Visual Update 1?

Answer: Check that you also have Customizer enabled.

Question: Which customizations appear if both an org extension and Visual Update 1 are enabled?

Which customizations appear or win if an Organization extension with company updates and the Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections application are enabled? Put another way, what is the sequence or order of changes when enabling Apps and extensions.

Answer: Which customizations appear or win is based on the order in which extensions get injected into the page by Connections Customizer. Customizer makes a request to the App Registry and it returns a list of extensions by name, in alphabetical order. The changes are applied in alphabetical order, overriding changes made earlier in the alphabet.

The App Registry includes the Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections application. A company adds an extension to the App Registry, to override styles, and it is called "Xtended Company Theme". The Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections application is loaded and applied first. Next the "Xtended Company Theme" gets loaded with its CSS and/or JS overriding any of the Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections changes.

Apps supported

Visual Update 1 for HCL Connections is supported only when the application files are installed and configured as-is, with no change and in which all the following criteria are met: (1) Only the Hakari or Verse Theme (Default) is enabled; (2) No additional customizations are configured. Implementations added manually through an organization extension, combined with additional customizations, and/or contained code which was modified from its original state will not receive support considerations.

Bi directional language support is not included in this release. Visual updates applies only to applications stated in official communications and will not extend to custom widgets added to Connections. HCL plans to regularly add improvements to the visual update and will share communications accordingly.

Browsers supported

Our goal is to support the same browsers Connections supports.

However, due to limited resources and the 'as-is' nature of this application, we have not completed thorough cross-browser testing. We test every update on Chrome. We have completed rounds of testing on Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. Otherwise, we rely on user feedback to identify issues.

If an issue is found for a particular browser, let us know and we will do our best to fix the issue. To report an issue, see the next section on Getting Support.

Getting support

Visual Update is supported with Connections 7.0 and is not supported with Connections 8.0 or later releases.

Support is offered through the standard support process. HCL Support will accept cases for questions or reproducible issues with functionality or styling for non-modified Visual Update deployments.

If you have altered Visual Update in any way, you must first undo the modifications and re-evaluate to determine whether the issue applies to the standard offering.

Copyright 2017, 2019, HCL Technologies Limited